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COMPATIBLE WITH WINDOWS 7 the link 4shared lien 4shared  The MPI-USB cable connects the computer via USB with a MPI interface (9 pin Simatic-Manager, included driver “PC-Adapter” for MPI and PROFIBUS Either in the folder where the downloaded drivers were extracted or the directory on the  The SSW7-USB enables conversion from a USB interface to the MPI bus for programming software or visualization. A driver for creating a virtual COM port is included. For a firmware update, a free download of the latest SHTools version is available. STEP and TIA Portal are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. 8 Nov 2006 Maxim Integrated's Family of CMTI Isolated Gate Drivers: Drive High Cable, USB/PPI Multi-Master 6ES7 901--3DB30--0XA0 Download the above-mentionned manual from Siemens' support website: but for communication you have to buy a PC/PPI- adaptor from siemens(serial or USB) for serial  PROFIBUS/MPI/PPI communication, USB Adapter CN adopt power supply download the latest version PC_Adapter_USB driver from Siemens website, the 

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SIEMENS USB PPI MULTI MASTER CABLE DRIVER DOWNLOAD - See attached datasheet for more info Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. Rejection provision This document is to provide information, and the contents will not be noticed when revising. Data Line B RS signal positive. Description Reviews 1 Related Products 2. Continue to set up

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